Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Little Bit of Magic

The street is surprisingly dark tonight

And I would like to see the moon shining bright

Instead I see the golden sun

And I tell myself, "What fun!” 

I asked the lamp post standing tall;

“Where do those shiny rays go fall?

For my street is gloomy and dark

So those rays must not travel far!” 

It said without wasting a sigh;

“Little missy, open your eyes.

There’s plenty of light all around

And when it’s dark, I am up and about.

A little bit of light the Lord reserved for you,

A little bit of magic, is in queue for you.

When the time is right it will come to you,

For there’s only so much the good Lord can do.

Do you remember that night;

When you were down and blue

And suddenly a warm hug enveloped you?

It took you to your favorite dream

And salved your woes with a magical cream.

Do you remember the time;

When you lost your way

And your sure steps had begun to sway?

But just when you thought you will break your bones;

You landed on wet mud, which broke your fall.

How often has magic come to thee!?

But you always were too blinded to see.

So open your eyes; little missy; and see

Your street is full of light and glee.

Your world is full of magic

And a fine wizard you can be

If only you will open your eyes and see!”

1 comment:

Anjali Sinha said...

wow!...i'm left speechless.